Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA
User Research Methods
Oct - Dec 2017
Literature Research | Ethnographic Studies Usability Testing | Co Design exercise | Interviewing | Cultural Probe | Illustrator
The following report outlines the testing plan and subsequent findings from conducting a Co Design exercise based upon administering medicine and medication adherence. The goals of the Co Design exercise is to gain a better understanding of and individual's thoughts and concerns when dealing with prescription drugs, what their major alert and pain points are and also identify potential design opportunities for future systems. Five participants were chosen, two males and three females aged between 22- 28 years old.
There are two games in the Co Design exercise. Both include a worksheet and supplementary material. Participants are asked to think of a medical moment in their lives and relate that experience to these exercises. Part one consists of a radar map worksheet split into three zones, and some printed words. Participants are asked to place the words within the radar zones according to their feelings related to that word. The aim of game two is to design the function and style of a mobile app that provides you with a record of your medical condition and records your compliance statistics. Participants are first asked to choose an aesthetic that most appeals to them and then select features and buttons that they would expect to be on each screen of the app.
Part One - Radar Map
Part Two - App Aesthetics
Part Two - App Screen Content
The participants were gathered into a laboratory setting and asked to take a seat. Each seat had three worksheets and an envelope with supplementary material as outlined above. As moderator, I welcomed them to he session and gave an introduction to what I had planned for the exercise and what value I wanted to gain from them. After any questions were answered, I followed the Session Protocol and advanced with the session.
Below is a slideshow of the completed worksheets which were analyzed and a list of findings drawn up.